coconut craisin walnut cookies

Technically these are a “kitchen sink” style cookie. But that title makes me gag because do you ever think about how dirty your kitchen sink probably is? All the germs and wet-sponge smells and airborne poultry bacteria?! No, that’s just me? I mean, I clean the sink regularly with a Clorox wipe but STILL. It…

aunt diane’s italian cookies

BIG NEWS! (In case I have any followers that don’t actually know me in real life.) My sister is engaged!! It makes me nostalgic for my pre-GS third wheel posts with Kelly and Aaron. Now they’re getting married! My cousin, Hannah, is also getting married (in less than a month!) and I volunteered to make…

aunt pat’s oatmeal cookies

I’m already sad that I’ll probably have to leave Rochester after my residency is done in a year. That’s stupid, I know. But I love it! Here are some highlights: 1) Everyone at my job is so nice. They love each other and seem like they are friends outside of work and I want to…

oatmeal dark chocolate cookies

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! What would we do if people embraced the major holidays of every culture the way they do with St. Patty’s and Cinco de Mayo? I realize that both are somewhat drinking oriented which makes everyone decide that they must be partially of Irish/Mexican descent, but really. For example, we could…

oatmeal granola chocolate chip cookies

Is everyone sick of cookie recipes? I hope not. ‘Tis the season of cookie trays. I highly recommend these. I often go through phases of eating the same thing over and over. Some last longer than others (I’m looking at you, PB&J). This happened with my brown rice/chicken/veggie combo, pasta with quick and easy tomato…

brown sugar chocolate chip cookies

Happy long weekend everybody! I just spent the past few days at home in Camillus, where I suffered through Morgan’s long and boring graduation (it’s cool, she sat through mine) and enjoyed Kevin’s antics as usual. This week at school the fifth graders watched.. THE movie. So it was pretty entertaining to be home. I’m…

salted chocolate mocha cookies

I have been prettyyy cranky lately. School is making me stressed and annoyed in general. Good to know I’m not even halfway done. However, my family came to visit this weekend which was a nice break. I made chicken riggies in mass quantities for dinner on Friday, and then Saturday we went to the Duke/Maryland…

peanut butter pretzel chocolate chip cookies

Clearly this is my outlet for venting the ridiculous things that happen in my life. So here goes: Yesterday I was lifeguarding from 12-5 at the gym. As I was leaving, they gave me a stern talking-to about the fact that my car was parked in the lot for more than 3 hours. “This is…

single serving vegan cookies

Sometimes I think I need to get off social media. Even though the election nonsense is mostly over (Hey, Texas- no one is letting you secede from the union), the things that get put on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. just make me want to hurl. Real tweet: “OMG! People need to STOP telling me I look…

two guilt-free desserts

It’s been hard for me to come up with exhilarating stories for you all since my life is so mundane. What’s up lately? Well, I got a job in a liquor store. It’s not really a liquor store, more of a nice place to buy craft beers and fancy wine. It has a Boar’s Head deli…